Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Tubo Taratak Tinggi' Waterfall

Tubo Taratak Tinggi is fractional administration of Nagari Luak Kapau the village level. The name of this waterfall is still no definite. but our survey team named  Tubo Taratak Tinggi's Waterfall because it is in the Hamlet Tubo Taratak Tinggi. This waterfall is a candidate very beautiful tourist spot. However, so far there has been no concern of the government to open up tourism in the area tour. either because there is no money for it or there may be other reasons.

       Our team of travel survey Nagari Luak Kapau is the only team named themselves without any acknowledgment from anyone. But will probably be a problem for our team. However, we will continue to explore what the beauty of the Nagari (village) us. yes although later when the place is already known to many government will definitely take place without caring about the survey team effort at all. maybe later we will not feel too disappointed. because through this paper we have helped show the beauty of Nature Nagari Badger Natural Kapau Pauh Duo.

     Tubo Taratak Tinggi's Waterfall located in South of Tubo Taratak Tinggi. Because the area is an area that has not been touched by the general public so the road to get to the area is still difficult. We walked from the parking area are vehicle around 1.5-2 Hours. The road was so slippery because of the Jungle. But we Think for this tour there are interesting things to be a challenge for visitors. that is Trafficking.

     Trafficking path we planned are through many Strip. In addition to enjoying the cool atmosphere of the forest and also could be a forest recreation area and enjoy the views of waterfall certainly is the main goal. But as long as there is no concern of the government and private government, this place will always be a hidden place to be lost in time.